Monday, November 14, 2011

Is immigration out of control? should the U.S limit the number of immigration?

 I am immigrant came from Somalia because of the civil war brok out, i escaped to United States to have a  better life. But i did it the legal way so i am in favor of immgration. First of all, the history of immigration is an important point to look at before we decide if its out of control because i saw many immigrant who came here and invint technology  for example Micheal Pupin was one of immigrants, he was an active inventor and patented many of his ground-breaking inventions including a method of rapid x-ray photography, the discovery of secondary x-ray radiation, telecommunications technology, and sonar-related. i undestand  illegal immigration is sure an headache for the country and, i  agree no matters what country you come from, if you want to live her permanently you need to do it just like all of our immigrant did it before us, and that is do it LEGALLY! . i have couple friends that are from other countries. They came here ilegally just to have a dream and hope of better life.i belive most immigrant have their own reason for leaving their own land and trying to pursue something in the United States. However  i belive that people that come here don't ruin this countrry they just come here to have a better life for them and their children. They also want to get a job so they care of their family they are just doing jobes that other don't want to do.

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